On the construction market it is always difficult to source personnel able to adapt quickly to innovations. Hence the need to complete the experience gained on site with specific courses that highlight the advantages offered by new technologies that can make the job easier and improve the professionalism of the workforce.
Our courses are designed for persons who have recently joined the construction industryin which INDEX operates as well as those with more experience. For the first of these groups we believe that their training can progress quicker with specific theoretical-practical courses that can motivate and enthuse them in order to overcome problems caused by incorrect product application which can easily occur when people are less skilled. But even more experienced personnel often need advice, verification, and updates on their working methods, due to the continual release onto the market of new products and technologies as well as because of the pressing need for standardisation of application methods that the laws have already imposed in many European countries.
In order to cater for the needs of the various professionals, on the strength of its knowledge of the Italian market and many foreign markets, INDEX makes its experience available with specialised courses organised at the technical training and retraining centre.
The centre, which has been in existence since 1997, is also a hub for the exchange of experiences between Italian operators and those of other nationalities, a place for discussing problems and complications encountered on site, product innovations
and the new trends in the market in which INDEX operates.